Composing a Grid, 2021

Composing a Grid, Xerox Prints, Found Pottery, Drawing, 2021

Composing a Grid, 2021 took place during my time in Toronto in the spring of 2021. Having never lived in Toronto, I found myself going for walks, where I would map parts of the city through memory as I oriented myself in this new place. During these walks I would gather objects, create drawings, and make rubbings. When I returned home, I would draw these mental maps, focusing on what I had made an effort to remember during these walks.

Composing a Grid, Xerox Print, Drawing, 2021

Composing a Grid, Xerox Print, Drawing, 2021

Composing a Grid, Xerox Print, Drawing, 2021

Composing a Grid, Xerox Print, Found Pottery, Drawing, 2021

Composing a Grid, Xerox Print, Drawing, 2021

Composing a Grid, Xerox Print, Drawing, 2021